Sonia Hotel
Sonia Hotel offers it's guest complimentary breakfast, free WIFI in all rooms and public areas, Airport Shuttle and Conference facilities, a bar, Restaurant and a swimming pool for their relaxation. S
Add to your watch listSonia Hotel offers it's guest complimentary breakfast, free WIFI in all rooms and public areas, Airport Shuttle and Conference facilities, a bar, Restaurant and a swimming pool for their relaxation. S
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Sonia Hotel offers it's guest complimentary breakfast, free WIFI in all rooms and public areas, Airport Shuttle and Conference facilities, a bar, Restaurant and a swimming pool for their relaxation. Sonia Hotel is located in East legon, approximately 10 minutes drive from the Kotoka Airport.
To Proudly open doors to the true spirit of a destination.
To provide outstanding lodging facilities and services to our guests.
Accra's Best Kept Secret
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we require a Booking deposit of 100% on the day of check in.