RB Park-hill Hotel
We create a unique personal experience for each guest. RB Park-Hill Hotel offers a luxurious get away for families , a quiet and serene atmosphere for conference and a romantic stay for couples.
Add to your watch listWe create a unique personal experience for each guest. RB Park-Hill Hotel offers a luxurious get away for families , a quiet and serene atmosphere for conference and a romantic stay for couples.
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The calendar is updated every five minutes and is only an approximation of availability.
Some hosts set custom pricing for certain days on their calendar, like weekends or holidays. The rates listed are per day and do not include any cleaning fee or rates for extra people the host may have for this listing. Please refer to the listing's Description tab for more details.
We suggest that you contact the host to confirm availability and rates before submitting a reservation request.
We create a unique personal experience for each guest. RB Park-Hill Hotel offers a luxurious get away for families , a quiet and serene atmosphere for conference and a romantic stay for couples.
Stand out to be one of the best hotels in Ghana.
Indulge our customers / guests in an exclusive modern luxury and traditional Ghanaian culture.
Modern luxury in comfort
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