Ahanta Hotel
This is the best hotel that you can ever stay in the Takoradi area. Try it once and you will come again. We will refund your money is you are not satisfied
Add to your watch listThis is the best hotel that you can ever stay in the Takoradi area. Try it once and you will come again. We will refund your money is you are not satisfied
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The calendar is updated every five minutes and is only an approximation of availability.
Some hosts set custom pricing for certain days on their calendar, like weekends or holidays. The rates listed are per day and do not include any cleaning fee or rates for extra people the host may have for this listing. Please refer to the listing's Description tab for more details.
We suggest that you contact the host to confirm availability and rates before submitting a reservation request.
This is the best hotel that you can ever stay in the Takoradi area. Try it once and you will come again. We will refund your money is you are not satisfied
We seek to serve with a smile
To be number one hotel in the western part of Ghana
The best in the west
There is no facility available in this category.
Hotel was opened by the first president of the Bar association
There is no facility available in this category.
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The interaction of the staff. Hotel or restaurant manager and his staff in kitchen. interacting to head chef in Chef in hotel or restaurant kitchen cooking, only hands. Prepared fish steak with dill decoration Cook, pastry chef, in hotel or restaurant kitchen Chef in a hotel or restaurant kitchen …