The Magic Of Gender, an Anchors and Swimmers Focusing Salon.
No.51, 1st Floor, Sri Shanmugaa Towers,, 9th St, Tatabad, Gandhipuram,, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Start at : March 13, 2023 - 9 AM

Zoom Link to attend So often we have important feelings and needs but do not know how to convey them in a way where we can actually be heard. This is a group focusing conversation designed to facilitate understanding between differing viewpoints. Anchors and Swimmers meetings work with challenging subjects such as politics, abortion, racism, money, gender, religion etc. January 13th- April 14th Topic is ALL ABOUT GENDER. 4 meetings total. 7 participants maximum in each meeting. Not recorded to protect privacy. Gender identity. What is it like to be in the body you are in? What issues arise for you around gender/your gender / other genders/ other bodies. What does the word "man" or "woman" mean for you? How would you like to experience them? what would you like others to know about your gender identity? What support would you like to feel for youself and your gender? What kind of carrying forward around gender would you like to see and be part of? February 10th Topic The Magic Of Gender and Sexuality In the eyes of society what is your perceived gender? How does this perception of your gender intersect with society's expectations of your sexuality? Does your personal gender and sexual identity resonate with society's perceptions and expectations? What kind of support would you like for yourself in regard to your gender and sexual identity? What kind of carrying forward around gender and sexuality would you like to see and be part of? March 10th Topic The Magic Of Gender and Money April 14th Topic The Magic Of Gender and Power